Some of the best free word games for adults lean into this idea of word association. Sticker shock game Word Association Games The person who collects the most labels wins. Alternatively, if you get someone to say their mystery word, you take their label. The goal is to get everyone to say their mystery word before the party ends. Everyone sticks a label on their forehead with a mystery word on it. This game will require some sticky labels. Players try to rearrange the letters to form as many new words (at least three letters long) as they can. Start with a random word (ideally at least six or seven letters long) and set the timer. Break out a pad of paper and give everyone a sheet. If you’re already playing games like Wordscapes, you’ll excel at this party variant… except there’s no cheating allowed. Did you really scale Mount Everest? Anagram-a-rama At the end, they have to guess whether you’re telling the truth or the story is a lie. Tell a story, true or not, and answer questions from other players. True StoryĬan you maintain a lie through an intense session of questioning? True Story is a great spoken word game for parties. One of the best things about party word games for adults is that they can be easily adapted for small groups and larger gatherings alike.